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Ghost Hunters Kit



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-Ghost Hunters Kit-

Ghosts can be one of the most elusive and difficult prey for a hunter, but with the right tools, not too difficult to dispatch. The most effective way is simply to burn the bones of the deceased corpse of the ghost, or on rare occasion, the object it is bound to. This is not always possible though, so this kit provides some other means of ghost containment. Kit includes:

1 vial of Salt
1 Vial of Graveyard Dirt
1oz. tin of Anti-Possession Ectoplasmic Barrier Topical Application
9 Iron Coffin Nails
1 Control Evil Spirits Amulet

Ghosts loath salt, and even a small amount can temporarily dispel a ghost for a short time. It's always best to carry a larger sack for protective circles, as they cannot cross a line of it, but the vial is easy to carry and useful in some ways.

The Graveyard dirt is a great way to bind the spirit. (This is real graveyard dirt obtained from a small local graveyard with graves going back to the mid 1800's.) With the proper spell the ghost will be permanently contained in the vial. Be warned, if the vial is ever broken, any spirit contained will become vengeful and VERY dangerous when it escapes. Best to continue seeking the bones for burning to lay the spirit to permanent rest if possible,

The Anti-Possession Ectoplasmic Barrier is another development from Tinkerton Scientific. After much research and consulting with experts in the occult, the topical salve has be rated highly effective. (Though this item contains only olive oil, beeswax, herbs/essential oils; its for novelty use only. It should be perfectly safe but actual application is done at your own risk!) Applying to the backs of the hands and forehead will prevent any spirit from possessing the wearer.

Ghosts also cannot withstand iron, and coffin nails will work both as a protection, and as part of a containment spell to bind them in the vial of graveyard dirt. A knowledgeable hunter should be able to make use of these items in conjunction with the Control Evil Spirits Amulet to bind the apparition effectively.

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